
What is in the Report?

The HomeVerified Report is a national home & neighborhood history report for any specific address.

Currently the Report contains the following:

Specific Insurance Claims History of the Home - Your address is searched against a database of almost 10 million home insurance claims. We have electronic access to the entire database of Canadian home insurance history claims and results are available instantly � showing you what insurance claims have been made, when they were made and for how much.
What is in the Report?
Police Grow Op & Meth Lab records - We have scoured the country for available police records & sources of criminal activity that would impact a home and assembled those records in our database. Any address is compared to this continually updated set of records.
Claims Analysis by Neighbourhood - The past 5-year insurance claims history of the 300 homes surrounding the address is created. We then instantly analyze the results and let you easily view its history.
School Data - Nothing is more important than your children. We plot out for you the locations for the nearest schools and let you know how those schools rank against a national scoring system. We'll also give you the contact information of the local School Board, so that you can determine exactly which school your address is designated for.
What's in the Area - Want to know what's close by? We'll show you with a map of local amenities: from banks to grocery stores to the local Tim Hortons, let us provide a snapshot of the neighbourhood and its people.
Contact List - This feature lets you know who your local MP is and how and where to contact them, in addition to other useful information.